Millard North Vocal Music
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Concert Choirs.


This is the entry level choir at Millard North High School. It is a mixed ensembles of men and women looking to expand their vocal music skills. Class includes 4 concerts outside of school, as well as learning how to: sight read, understand basic music theory and gain 21st century skills such as confidence, grit, and team work. Average choir size is 70-90 students.


This is the intermediate auditioned choir at Millard North High School. Also a mixed ensemble, this choir will take skills learned in Voce and continue to more advanced music theory knowledge and more difficult sight reading. Class includes 4 concerts outside of the school day. Average choir size is 90-100 students


This is the varsity auditioned choir at Millard North High School. Made up of the finest sight readers and vocalists, this choir has 7 performances outside of the school day; 4 traditional concerts, 1 All-Millard festival, 1 District Music Contest Performance, 1 men's/women's choir performance. Average choir size is 60-70 students.


This class is made to accommodate those with a packed schedule who want to take both choir, and the speech class known as forensics.  Classes meet every other day and include the same responsibilities as the year long classes of Cantori and Forensics. Average choir size is 30-40 students.